“If music ceases to be wonderful nonsense, it will not console the tormented heart.”
Hello - my name is
Wyatt Keusch

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am a graduate of the music school at CalArts, which was ultimately a positive experience, since I made some wonderful friends there, though I contend that art school is (to put it kindly)
a deeply silly place

From 2006-2014, my primary focus was on live performance, and during that time I played quite a lot of gigs in a variety of locales and contexts; one particularly memorable set was described by attendee Eric Avery as being “the first time [he] was scared at a show since the ‘80s”, which I consider to be praise of the highest order (though it may not have been intended as such). From 2014 to 2021, my focus shifted towards studio work, both solo and collaborative, with live performance being a special occasion rather than a regular occurrence. At present, and for the foreseeable future, I do whatever I want, with whomever I want, at all times. Each moment is eternal -
live joyfully

If you’d like to get in touch with me for any reason, no matter how frivolous, you can click the “Contact” link up there in the nav bar to send me an email directly. I’m glad to hear from any and all curious parties, so
don't be shy