I made this in January/February 2018, while travelling around central Europe and Quebec. I made a lot of recordings on my phone’s voice memos app, while walking around, and as I’d been in the grips of particularly strong jetlag, I’d spend the hours of 5-7am sitting in the darkened kitchen, headphones on, editing sounds, processing them, patching things together, and generally trying to amuse myself quietly before the day began.

I don’t have a ton to say about this one - I think it’s cool, I like listening to it, and it reminds me of a good time. I tend to feel like, as odd as my tape-collage-type work can be, it sort of speaks for itself in a way that my more lucid recordings don’t...not that they’re so obvious and these are so subtle, I just feel like they are what they are, and that’s that.

The cover image is, as always, a photo by Michael Keusch, my esteemed father, of the wall outside my uncle’s studio in Bochum, NRW, Germany.